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Bunbunmaru Newspaper Kasen ![]()
Season 95 (1980), 3rd of Uzuki (April) |
What Would the Propriety of Mist Nets Be? |
The Identity of The Nets being set on Vertically |
A conference was held to discuss the propriety of mist nets. A mist net is a net that is set vertically in the mountains, and since someone may get caught by it when they are half-asleep, it is suppose to be taken away when found, but then it will be immediately set back up again, making them play a cat and a mouse game. There was no clue of the identity of the person and why he/she had set it up for a long time, but recently the mystery has been solved. |
It is said that mist nets are there for gathering mist floating in the air. Mist is the main diet of hermits, and it is to be sold on the market for a relatively high price. The ones who invented the tool are the Kappa. |
Truly the economy will rise if the mist could be caught and sold. However, the net poses a danger to the indeginous birds which is an unignorable issue that still exists today, the conference went hot. |
The Hermit living in Youkai Mountain, Kasen Ibaraki says: |
"Um, sorry, but did you just say you catching mist with a net?. Be that as it may, shouldn't we need to ban them, if they're causing harm to the wild birds?" |
The Kappa remain aggressive claiming that "We will just make improvements to stop the harm if there is any, we have the right to catch mist.". |
Regarding this, Kasen replies: |
"We don't just eat mist. And even if we do eat it, we could simply get it somewhere around....... I mean, who buys such things?" |
The conclusion of the conference was: "Nets which negatively affect flying living beings will be banned.". Shortly, it looked like the Kappa had made a new version of a mist net which will only catch mist, but predictably the sales of mist will not be that good and the number of mist nets will fall. But the technology to catch mist efficiently would be used somewhere in the future. |
(Aya Shameimaru) |